Single-point solutions

Force-management Anchorage


The force management anchorage offers tremendous versatility due to its ability to attach to many different kinds of roof deck regardless of structure available. This anchor is classified as a deformable anchorage (tipover style). The unique energy absorbing system inside this anchorage reduces the overturning moment on the structure by over half (compared with a typical rigid anchorage). Their only limitation is they cannot be used for suspended access. These are ideal, however, for retrofit projects.
Tech Data Sheet

Wall Anchorage


Wall anchorages are available in a variety of models and capable of attaching to the same substrates that roof anchors can be affixed to.
Tech Data Sheet (Weldable)
Tech Data Sheet (Beam Wrap)
Tech Data Sheet (Epoxy Bolt)
Tech Data Sheet (Bolt Through 2 Bolt)
Tech Data Sheet (Bolt Through 4 Bolt)

Pipe-wrap Anchorage


Pipe wrap anchorages offer a tie-off solution when an adequately sized steel pipe is available for attachment as is commonly found in mechanical or equipment screens.
Tech Data Sheet

Undermount Anchorage


Undermount anchorages attach to the underside of a wood truss on a sloped roof and have a swiveling stainless steel loop for 360-degree access.

Reinforcing Kit


Use these kits on open web joist framing and other conditions in which the structure is insufficient to provide the necessary strength for fall arrest events.

X-Frame Anchorages


The X-frame anchorage is a revolutionary solution to a costly problem: how to install suspended access anchorages without cutting open and then repairing the roof deck. X-frame is installed from the rooftop, through the membrane and roof structure, and is rated for fall arrest and suspended access applications.
Tech Data Sheet